Monday, July 11, 2022

Bottom of the Barrel

The view from Jolly Rodger.

I'm scraping the bottom of the Centenario rum barrel with this post. 

I have a Costa Rica photo deficit this year after my camera disappeared on the beach. The theft happened on one of those perfect Dominical nights, with a low orange sun, warm sand, and the best January temps this side of the equator. However, while we were looking skyward, someone was lurking on the sand with sticky fingers. 

 There's an alternate version to this story: earlier that night, my husband slipped my camera over the back of his lawn chair, and the night unfolded. When the stars were bright in the sky, he collapsed the chairs and carried them to our car. Did the camera fall off somewhere in the brush? Hmmm. He says no. As you can imagine, this version is not a popular theory in our household. 

 Whenever we travel, mediocre photos accumulate on my iPhone like dust beneath the furniture. These photos are an eclectic and modest mix from our trip. Follow my feet...

A Costa Rica traffic jam.

Crested guans outnumber cars on this jungle road.

Local visitors to our jungle cabana.

Our adventures at sea included the best Mahi you'll ever eat. 

You may remember this photo. We scooped this moth from our screen, placed him outside, and he lingered on the spatula until dusk. 

I call this area my Shangri-La, because it is a cool oasis behind the beach at Baru.

Almond-mango chicken at Ballena Bistro. :)

Volcan Poas.

Alajuela Heights.

Ventenas beach.

Bye = Pura Vida. Ha!



Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I know it's tough to lose an expensive camera, especially one that had a full photos card in it. iPhones take quality photos and your photos are all still lovely, especially the boat on the water at sunset--that should be blown up on canvas. I've never visited Costa Rico and your photos make me want to go!

Soma @ said...

So sorry about your camera. That is really sad/bad news. You took wonderful photos with your phone.


DJan said...

Even your iPhone shots are exceptional. I especially LOVE that opening picture. :-)


Muy bella fotografía de tus vacaciones.Es una pena que perdieras tu cámara.
Feliz semana. Besos.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'm very sorry about your camera too. That would be a huge loss for me as well. I never remember to take photos with my phone. I really should. Thanks for sharing! Love the sky photos!

Linda said...

Lovely winged critters. Interesting series of phone photos. I'm visiting from Mosaic Monday

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

There certainly are worse barrels to scrape ... and if those are your mediocre photos, don't even look at what I call my good ones. Everything about Costa Rica looks so amazing. I enjoyed catching up and you (and your new camera) make Duluth look pretty darn interesting to explore also!

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Pura vida! That makes for a good mantra. Your photos are awesome. The phone camera caught the details quite well.

Shiju Sugunan said...

You got some exquisite pics from your phone. The mystery of your camera theft/loss is intriguing. Hope we had someone like Hercule Poirot to find the culprit :)

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Oh my! Sorry to hear that your camera was taken.
Your phone photos are lovely though. What a gorgeous place.
The moth has a huge eye. Amazing.
Thank you for hosting!

Villrose said...

Lovely shots after all!

dee Nambiar said...

Oh no! Losing cameras and pictures can be very heartbreaking. So sorry for you. 🤗
You still managed some good pictures on your phone. Thank you for showing us some lovely sights from the Rich Coast. :)

And thank you for hosting this linky party too, Sharon. :)

carol l mckenna said...

Lots of great souvenir photos ~ love the kitty photo ~ Xo

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days ~

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Angie said...

Sharon - your mediocre photos are STILL amazing! I laughed at the picture of the cat on the backpack. Our cats always seemed to want to come with us, the way they would climb into our suitcases ... The picture of the sailboat with the sunset/sunrise is wonderful! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I love your photos!!
Still, I feel your pain on the loss of your camera. I had a really nice, small Nikon point and shoot, waterproof with a built in GPS. I used it for years during my running, hiking, kayaking, whatever adventures. We went on a trip to southeast Oklahoma and I took on a cool horseback ride through the mountains, hills, fields, and across small rivers, took it hiking, and finally on a kayak adventure where I got up ended and dumped in the river and turns out that the camera was no longer waterproof and the memory card was damaged. I still mourn the loss of the photos that I didn't recover.