Monday, August 8, 2022

Xunantunich: The Stone Woman

The rustic ferry to Xunantunich.

 "Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King

 Xunantunich is named after a ghost. 

 The legend of the Stone Woman started in 1892 when a researcher witnessed a Mayan maiden ascend the staircase of El Castillo, the main pyramid of Xunantunich. She was wearing a flowing white gown and a tangle of long, dark hair atop her head. When the woman reached the top of the pyramid, she swiveled, revealing penetrating, blood-red eyes. A few seconds later, she disappeared into the stone. The research crew searched the ruin, but she had vanished without a trace.

 No one knows the ancient name of this Mayan city near modern-day San Ignacio, Belize, so they named the site Xunantunich. The moniker means Sculpture of a Lady or the Stone Woman.

 We didn't see the woman in white when we climbed El Castillo, but she still scares unlucky tourists to this day.

Follow my feet again...

Horses take the ferry too.

Another unpaid passenger.


El Castillo.

The view from the top of El Castillo is breathtaking - even without a ghost.

"I wouldn't describe myself as lacking in confidence, but I would just say that - the ghosts you chase you never catch." John Malkovich



Handmade in Israel said...

What an amazing place to visit! Not sure about the scary stories but the wildlife looks amazing too.

Duwan @MakeLikeAnApeman said...

Love it. I was there years ago. We were staying on the coast of Belize with friends but my husband and I made a special trip inland just to see the ruins. I don't think we heard about the legend of the Stone Woman when we visited. Thanks for sharing the story.

Rain said...

Great photos! I got a delicious chill reading about that Stone Woman! Great ghost story!!! :)

DJan said...

Gorgeous photos, as usual. I really love the ones of you climbing up and then the vistas around you. Wow! And Stone Woman is a great story. :-)

Fun60 said...

What an interesting place to visit.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Wonderful photos of a very vintage and exotic place! We both have legends on our blogs today.

Angie said...

Sharon - that is a magnificent site. It is enough to make me want to go back to Belize. But I am not sure I want to go on that ferry! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

Trekking with Becky said...

Fascinating! I've never heard of this before. Thanks, and thanks for hosting. :)

Jill Harrison said...

looks like a fascinating place to visit and amazing views. Happy travels, stay safe, and thank you for the link up.

EricaSta said...

I enjoyed reading your Post... especially the quote of Stephen King, because my husband has all of his books....

...stay healthy and well.

Peabea Scribbles said...

Interest legend, and looks like a fun visit.

Hootin Anni said...

Thanks for joining us at I'd Rather B Birdin this week


eileeninmd said...

What a great post and photos. You have reminded me of my trip to Belize and this same little ferry and visit to the ruins. Cute shot of the Swallow. Great critters! Thank you for linking up and sharing the post. Have a great day!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

How amazing! And the views are spectacular! Not sure I could ever walk up those little stone steps but you did great! Thanks for sharing!

Powell River Books said...

Loved the horses on the ferry. Wayne and I saw lots of Mexico when we had our airplane. One trip we flew into the Chichen Itza airport and walked to the ruins for a tour. We flew near the Belize border but never crossed. - Margy

Mary Kirkland said...

Looks like you had a good time. Lovely pictures.

betty-NZ said...

It's interesting that there are so many legends everywhere. You just never know what you will find as you travel :)

The views of your climb are just stunning to see, so worth your trouble.

Your link at 'My Corner of the World' this week is greatly appreciated!!

Lydia C. Lee said...

Just wow! You saw they opened Macchu Pichu for a lone tourist who had been stranded there under COVID lockdown for 7 months and was finally returning home - just the best story!

Amy Johnson said...

Oh my goodness! It looks amazing. I would love to go there.