Monday, April 20, 2020

Altun Ha: Rockstone Water

"A city is a crazy concrete jungle whose people at the end of each day somehow make a small leap ahead against terrible odds."  Herb Caen

Every time I lift a Belikin beer in Belize, I think of Altun Ha. Why? Because the largest temple, The Temple of the Masonry Altars, is immortalized on the bottle. (See below) 

The site - located near Orange Walk -  is relatively small but mighty. The largest Mayan Jade artifact was found here: The Jade Head. (also below) Follow our feet...

These lazy guard dogs blocked our entrance by car!

I love this photo.

The Temple of the Masonry Altars.

19 Best All About Beer images | Beer, All beer, Beer poster

Chert tools.

This is a replica of the famous Jade Head. (we discovered it at the airport) The Jade Head weighs in at ten pounds. It depicts the Maya Sun God: Kinich Ahau.

My personal Jade artifacts!

Do you see my husband? 

A bird's eye view.

We ended our tour with two coconuts for thirsty travelers. (I'm sure we had a Belikin later) So refreshing!

The Awesome Links:


R's Rue said...


Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

The Mayan ruins are so fascinating! This one seems to be melting back into the earth. The jade head is amazing as well as your jade collection, Sharon. Stay well!

Anne said...

Beautiful photos. I so enjoy going on your travel journeys with you. Yes, I did see your husband!
Be safe.

Gillena Cox said...

Exciting photos, thanks for sharing your travels


Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Fascinating place, I am not really familiar with it.

DJan said...

Thank you for taking me along on this lovely journey. I wish I could be there with you, but this helps me feel as if I could be there, too, :-)

Photo Cache said...

Incredible history. A good arm chair travel for me, thanks.

Worth a Thousand Words

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Really beautiful photos! It's great to have had such a grand adventure! And thank you for sharing it! Have a grand week!

Angie said...

Sharon - in the little time that we spent in Belize, it was on one of the Cayes. Your photos remind me that at some point I would like to return and spend time on the mainland. Thank for linking to Mosaic Monday!

Dawn said...

Great photos and what a place to visit. So rich with history.
Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

Su-sieee! Mac said...

At first I thought the 2 coconuts were a huge sculpture, lol thanks for the tour. I enjoyed myself. I’d like to visit here in my next life.

Peabea Scribbles said...

So amazing to see the stonework and wonder how they managed it all. Thanks for taking me on your adventure. :)

EricaSta said...

A wonderful Post for the
Corner of the World...

...fantastisc captures.

Stay healthy

Mary Kirkland said...

The guard dogs are so funny. I loved all your pictures.

Lydia C. Lee said...

I'd love to go to Belieze. I didn't know they even had these there.

betty-NZ said...

What an awesome place to visit! Thanks for sharing your photos and the information, too.

It's delightful to see you over at at 'My Corner of the World' this week!

RobertN said...

Thanks for sharing.

Fun60 said...

Looks a great place to visit. Really enjoyed your photos.

KlaraS said...

WOW, such a beautiful place!
Thank you for hosting.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

What an amazing site. On first glance, I thought your husband was part of the altar! Wonderful post.

Powell River Books said...

I've been to ruins in southern Mexico, but never Belize. I hear it is a beautiful country to visit. - Margy

Linda Hensley said...

It all looks like too many steps. It's amazing they did all that with stone tools. Your visit to Utah looks so relaxing in comparison :)

Marja said...

A beautiful trip you made A very interesting island. Tropical complete with coconuts. Great to see that Jade head. Greenstone or pounamu is very common in NZ and the carvings are very beautiful and symbolic