Fort Myers Beach
Flo-vember has arrived, and I have the perfect aerial shot to kick it off. Often, when flying into the Fort Myers airport, the plane sails right over my rented digs. I swear the pilot knew I was renting across the bay this year, because instead of exposing my old digs on Lover's Key, they swiveled, revealing the tip of Fort Myers Beach. My seventh floor rental is behind that huge spit of sand. Hence, Heaven On Seven!
The following shots are taken on random airplanes heading somewhere more exciting than Minnesota.
Warm weather or bust...
Last year, I rented directly across this bridge. You can - just barely - spot the white building on the right.
Chicago skies.
Charleston, South Carolina.
A volcano peeking through the clouds over Costa Rica. (Or maybe Nicaragua)
Hmmm. Maybe Belize?
I have no idea...
I got nothing.

Definitely Charleston.

Belize, I think...
Belize, I'm almost certain...
Belize? Australia? Timbuktu?
This looks like the Florida coast.
Dallas perhaps?
Boring-ville, Nowhere.
100 percent Florida. I see this every year.
No clue.
The Cottonball Coast...obviously.
Florida farm fields near the Fort Myers airport.
Flo-vember skies.
I love this shadow shot!
P.S. Thanks for humoring me and reading my tiny piece of witchy fiction last week!
Beautiful photos, Sharon! The shorelines and clouds are always so interesting to see from the sky. Enjoy your beach rental!
I do the same and take airplane photos whenever I travel. I always loved coming into the JFK Airport as the planes always flew over Brooklyn, and I could see my neighborhood. Now, flying into DIA in Colorado, I mainly see the circle-shaped farms in the NE and the Rocky Mountains to the west.
Looking out of an airplane window never gets old. I also always take at least a few photos. I love the shadow shot too. It's fabulous.
Magníficas vistas aéreas, yo tan sólo he fotografiado desde la ventanilla del avión, con el móvil.Con la cámara reflex no se puede hacer, al tenerla que depositar en el compartimento, a la hora de despegar.
Sharon - generally, I enjoy flying. Turbulence, not so much. And flying through clouds usually brings "rough air". Don't you love how the attendants are not allowed to say "turbulence"? Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!
Fun photos or rather amusing comments on your good photos.
Absolutely great skyscapes! Love em all. And enjoy Heaven on Seven! :-)
Those are amazing! You've been to a lot more places than I have! WOW! Love Florida at this time of's gorgeous!
These captures and views are most fabulous. I particularly like the shadow shot.
Amazing photos!
I'm afraid I don't like it being on a plane, so I don't enjoy anything that has to do with flying. I'm just impatient to find myself on the ground again.
We've rented in Fort Myers. interesting seeing it from the air.
gorgeous shots!!! I miss those view so much.
No one EVER gives me the window seat any more. :-(
Great aerial shots ~ Xo
Living in the moment,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Wow, awesome shots as usual. I've only flown once and never thought I would, but I did end up taking some photos out the window...which I said I'd never be able to sit beside. Never say never, I guess. Happy week.
Those shots are so good! Once again you wow me with your photography.
Such fun photos! Those first few of the Florida beaches really have me wishing I was on a plane heading there right now.
stunning view from above
Greetings and Salutations! I adore the shadow shot. Agree with Thomas, stunning view from above.
That's a cool collection of window seat shots! Always fun going back and trying to ID locations. Those early evening photos of Dallas are beautiful!
Beautiful 😍
Amazing shots from above!
I love the shadow shot too! Took me a moment to see it and if you hadn't have said it, I might have missed it....
Welcome to Flovember, er, Florida. We just got here too, yay! I absolutely love knowing that you take pictures from plane windows. May you continue to travel to wonderful places while never letting it become so routine that you forget to be awed! .
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