Monday, June 19, 2017

Savannah Sneak Peak

We just got back from lazy and luscious, Savannah, Georgia. While we were waiting at the airport yesterday, I arranged a quick sneak peak of our week long city tour. A little taste of everything we experienced the bucolic town squares surrounded by an eclectic mix of architecture as shown above. 

Weekends meant parrot play at famous Forsythe park.

Spooky Bonaventure Cemetery. They say Savannah is literally built on its dead. That sounds like a good post for October...

"Go" cups in Johnson square. Put it this way, the bartender at Jen's Friends knew us by the end of the week. We had so much fun relaxing in the numerous town squares. But bad things happened there...

Savannah house cat.

The oldest tree in Savannah.

Precious patina.

The famous Mercer house from the novel, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. 

The key to spelling. 

Lemon custard and chocolate chocolate chip at famous Leopold's ice cream. 

What lies beneath. (a lot in Savannah)

Phone fun at the Jepson museum's interactive art exhibit. Do you recognize those two fools?

Flute guy at Johnson square. 

The fountain at Forsythe.

I hope you enjoyed my sneak peak. There will be a lot more to come when I have time to unpack my souvenirs!

The Awesome Links:


NCSue said...

Cool shots.
Savannah is on my "I wanna go there" list.

Thanks for linking up at

carol l mckenna said...
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carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful post and photos about Savannah ~ my favorite is the 'house cat' photo ^_^

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Great shots to wet the appetite. Savannah is such a great place to visit.

DJan said...

Great pictures, as always. I like that calico cat. :-)

Lady Fi said...

What lovely glimpses into another world!

Linda Hensley said...

I like Savannah. Beautiful photos as always!

Photo Cache said...

Oh what a wonderful sneak peak. Last April, I met a Savannah resident. We became fast friends and she invited me over to see her beautiful city. I mean to take her up on her offer, plus a taste of her fried chicken.

Worth a Thousand Words

Judy Biggerstaff said...

Nice shots of Savannah, love visiting there too. Great architecture, we toured the Mercer House last time we visited.

Lea said...

The first photo is beautiful! And I like the cat and the fountain, too!

Sharon said...

Savannah is on my bucket list. What an intriguing city. Love the kitty and the hydrangeas especially.

Breathtaking said...

Hello!:) Savannah looks like a fascinating place to visit. Love the shot of the parrots, and cat, fountain and flute guy.

Les Fous du Cap said...

Belles ambiances ;-)
Céline & Philippe

DUTA said...

Archeological excavations over the years, have proved that many cities are built on cemeteries, and Savannah is probably not an exception.
Old trees fascinate me, and wherever I go, I usually look for 'the oldest tree in town".

Ruth said...

Oh my! What a beautiful city! A visit to Savanah and Charleston is in my bucket list.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Wonderful tour of Savannah, and makes me want to visit!! Love the cemetery shot.

Sue (this n that) said...

Loved seeing these peeks at Savannah Sharon - thank you!
You always find the best bits.
The custard and chocolate ice cream looks good too :D)

LV said...

Been to Georgia but never here. What an interesting place and enjoyed the tour with you.

Pat Tillett said...

I have this place on my "must see" list for quite a while. Your post may cause me to go there a lot sooner.
Great photos Sharon! Also, thanks for interesting info.

La La Lilja said...

Amazing pics! The first house is so beautiful!