Monday, May 15, 2017

Lonely Leon Beaches

We spent a week wandering the gritty streets of Leon, Nicaragua in January. But when we travel, we're never far from the beach. It was only twenty minutes by car to Playa Las Poneloya and Playa Las Penitas. Or, if you are traveling by horse and wagon, as most Nicaraguans do, well, it might take a little longer. We came in the afternoon. We came at sunset. And we came at my favorite time of day. Morning. And we walked. 

We did the free beach StairMaster. 

We bird watched. 

We looked for sea shells. Sand dollars seem to be prolific in Nicaragua. 

We reached the end.

We even had afternoon tea.

We enjoyed the curious.

We shared the sand with ponies.

We saw a few humans in awe of the ocean. In other words, we found our people.

We watched a free ball game.

We watched. And reflected. Literally. 

And lastly, we brought a Tona or two and watched sunset from the pastel stairs. 

We were happy.

The Awesome Links:


DUTA said...

You seem to be fond of the city of Leon. No wonder, as it has history, beaches, volcanoes, good food.. The beach provides relaxing activities such as walking on the sand, bird watching, sea shells finding, sunset admiring, ocean contemplating.
Fabulous pictures, as usual!

DJan said...

What a beautiful place! I love your ability to capture in pictures a feeling, a sense of wonder, a bit of magic. :-)

Gentle Joy said...

Sounds like an absolutely delightful time! Beautiful pictures! :)

Lydia C. Lee said...

That is stunning! What a sunset!

carol l mckenna said...

Wow! What a magnificent place and wonderful photography ~ thanks,

Happy Week to you ~ ^_^

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Perfect in every way! The place, your pictures, your words. Definitely my favorite kind of place ... I'd even love THAT Stairmaster.

Lady Fi said...

What a delight! Love those stairs and, of course, that sky.

Jeanna said...

Wowza, you've outdone yourself with this series, Sharon. The steps, the sunset, the cross on the rocks, wow.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

WOW! IN other words you had a marvellous time and yourphotographs show it Sharon.

Breathtaking said...

Hello!:) What a great selection of photos from your holiday, all so different, creative and beautiful.

A Colorful World said...

Lovely bird! Beautiful beach shots, too, Sharon! Love the pony, and the sand dollar, the shoreline and sunset!

betty-NZ said...

What gorgeous scenery with so much variety!

Les Fous du Cap said...

Magnifique coucher de soleil ;-)
Céline & Philippe

Photo Cache said...

Beautiful shots!!!!!!

Worth a Thousand Words

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Kudos to you for traveling "off the beaten path". I personally don't know of anyone who has been to Nicaragua. Looks like you were rewarded with a great experience and gorgeous, non-touristy beaches!!

Linda Hensley said...

Beautiful! And what is that horse doing?

likeschocolate said...

Looks like an incredible day! How wonderful! Happy weekend!

Budget Travel Talk said...

You've described our favourite way to spend a day whether we're at home or away. I love the look of the trees that border the beach. It seems this beach has everything - even ponies!

Pat Tillett said...

One gorgeous scene and photo after another...
Really nice Sharon!