I thought I'd celebrate the return of Random 5 Friday and do a HUGE Holiday recipe post. I picked 5 random recipe favorites to re-post today. And the cool thing is that if you like the recipes you can hit my labels for more. Because I don't post many recipes anymore. But they will linger in cyberspace forever. Be sure to read on for some memories, humor and even a legend...
1) I'm starting things off with a new un-posted recipe. An old classic with a twist.
I've updated a classic ginger cookie recipe to suit my taste. (which I think is good) I thought I would share the recipe with you today. Are you ready?
3/4 cup softened butter
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup white sugar, divided
1 beaten egg
2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp ginger
1 tsp cloves
1/4 cup molasses
1 1/2 cups white flour, minus 2 tbsp
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
2 tbsp ground flax seed
1/3 cup candied ginger
In a separate bowl mix the dry ingredients together (minus sugars). Then cream butter, brown sugar and 1/4 cup of the white sugar in a new bowl. Add molasses and egg. Now add the dry mixture and the candied ginger. Mix.
Place the remaining sugar in a small dish. Roll the dough into balls and generously dip in the sugar. Place all the balls on a baking sheet and bake at 375 for around 10 minutes.
You start with potatoes and a ricer like this. The recipe calls for 5 cups of peeled, cooked and riced potatoes. I never measure. I just used a container of potatoes from the farmer's market. Plus...
1/2 cup half and half
1/2 cup butter
4 tsp sugar
1 tsp salt
2 cups all purpose flour
While the potatoes are still hot, stir in the milk, butter, sugar and salt.
P.S. I used cooled potatoes and melted butter last time and it turned out fine. But if you use hot potatoes, cool the mixture before making lefse.
You will need these tools as well. I cover the rolling pin with a clean nylon. (It's just what you are supposed to do :)
Now split the potato mixture in 1/2 and add 1 cup of flour to each with a pastry cutter.
Roll each batch into balls. I make mine smaller because my griddle isn't that large.
You'll need time, patience and lots of extra flour for rolling. Use a lefse stick or long spatula to gently lift and transfer the lefse to the griddle. Re-rolling seems to work fine. And if it breaks slightly just push and mold the dough back together with your fingers. It will be fine. And it still tastes good if it doesn't roll as thin as you would like it to.
P.S. I had the T.V. on in the other room when I started making my lefse. By the time I was completely covered in flour with sticky lefse hands a horrible and ANNOYING cartoon came on. So don't forget the soothing music instead! I don't know how I managed to take photos of all this actually. But having a damp cloth to wipe your hands on isn't a bad idea.
Cook briefly on each side. Till it browns a little and bubbles slightly.
Transfer to a sheet to cool. Look at all that delicious lefse! It is so darn good. Like a tortilla on steroids. I always reheat my lefse on a pan or in the microwave and serve it with lots of butter. You can make sandwich rolls and meatball wraps topped with gravy. My husband likes it with cinnamon and sugar. And you don't have to be a Norwegian (like me) to make it.
3) Squash satisfaction ahead!

This is one of my absolute favorite dishes. I only make it on special occasions. The first time I had something similar was at Wolfgang Puck in Orlando. And I've perfected my own ravioli with a little help from my favorite Italian deli Broders.
This is one of my absolute favorite dishes. I only make it on special occasions. The first time I had something similar was at Wolfgang Puck in Orlando. And I've perfected my own ravioli with a little help from my favorite Italian deli Broders.
First you will need to roast the squash. I usually roast at least 4 different kinds. I just simply cut and bake the halves (seeded) for around 45 minutes to an hour at 375. Use tin foil for easy clean up. After the roasting you can scoop out all the soft squash and mash it all together in a big bowl. I use a potato masher. Now you have enough mashed squash to use in several recipes. Just freeze the rest! You can make more ravioli, soup or squash risotto later.
I kept aside enough squash to make around 16 raviolis. Around a cup or more. Just use your judgement. Then add 1/4 tsp nutmeg, 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar, and 2 tbsp Parmigiano Reggiano. (from the Italian deli)
In the background I'm warming up my pre-made cream sauce from the Italian deli. You'll also need to get prosciutto de parma at the deli. And I always heat it up like bacon till it is a little crisp. But it is expensive so be careful! You can also toast some pecans. Be careful with these as well. I ALWAYS get busy and burn mine. When you boil your pasta use a big pot and a splash of oil to keep the ravioli from sticking together. Be gentle with them. And use a big straining ladle to retrieve them when they are done.
Viola. Squash Ravioli with cream sauce, crisped prosciutto, toasted pecans, freshly ground pepper, maybe some freshly ground nutmeg, and a lot of extra parmigiano reggiano. This dish is superb. And it is all about the quality ingredients.
One of the most compelling archaeological mysteries is the story of the 13 Crystal heads. These heads are believed to be between 5,000 and 35,000 years old and were carved over a period of several hundred years but without any tool marks. In fact their very construction defies the laws of physics and common logic. They are believed to offer spiritual power to those who hold or possess them.
The liquor...
Oh my. There hasn't been a more intriguing mystery since the burial place of the arc of the covenant. And this Christmas my husband unwrapped his mystery gift and discovered one of these skulls. And to make things even more exciting it was filled with vodka!
After seeing a T.V. segment on the comedian Dan Aykroyd's special brew I was hooked. Although at the price they sell this liquor, it should come with a personal friendship with Mr. Aykroyd. Just say'in.
5) It's time to make the doughnuts...
My Mom's tried and true recipe. I remember coming home from school to the smell of doughnuts frying. It was always a surprise. And finally....it was a good day after all!
I've had to laugh at some of the comments from my recipe posts. Everyone wonders how I stay so thin. Well, maybe I'm not thin! How do you know? To some of you I'm just a virtual artist! But I say everything in moderation. Except exercise. I'm not going to lie. That you have to do mega-moderate. But...it really helps to get through 1/2 hour on the stairmaster if I can imagine how delicious a cosmopolitan will taste with dinner! Or if I'm doing a morning walk around one of our chain of lakes. Hmmm. What carrot can I dangle at the end of a stick in front of me? A delicious chocolate covered doughnut perhaps?
4 cups flour
1 cup sugar
1 tsp salt
1 tsp soda
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp nutmeg
Now in another bowl mix:
2 beaten eggs
1 cup buttermilk
1 tsp vanilla
3 tbsp melted butter
Merry Christmas!
Oh YUM!!!! You had me at Ginger Cookies.
It's lucky for you I don't live across the street.
I'm be over in my slippers.
Love & Love to YOU!!!
wow, love all the recipes ... thank you kindly for sharing. i will definitely write the link down to keep for later. i have everything laid out myself ... i will be baking all day tomorrow & probably some more after that. i have to think ahead of the time & really plan it all out. i wonder how real bakers or chefs do it so easily? ha. ha!!
i love the owl shot at the top. that must be a huge bird box for him to get there, right? ( :
happy weekend.
Wow! Double Wow! How did you know I love all these things? I'll be watching for the package. :-) Happy Solstice to you, Sharon!!! :-)
Oh noes.... now I´m hungry!!!!!
Oh, WOW! What a nice gift you've given to us by sharing the recipes. I love ginger and the squash ravioli -- oh, boy!!!!! Thank you! Merry Merry!
It's times like these I wish blogs had smello-vision. I bet your kitchen is the place to be over the holidays!
These are great recipes! Those ginger cookies look and sound soooo good.
I wish I was better at navigating around the kitchen. I guess I'm just intimidated. :-)
Merry Christmas to you, Sharon!
holy crow you've been busy! I used to have a ricer and made lefse, her Mom taught me everything she knew in the kitchen. I've never made doughnuts your batch is impressive! Merry Christmas to you and your family.
It all looks good but I want to try your donuts.
Oh my goodness! Best post ever! No exaggeration. Have never made lefse, but now i want to try it. :). With Rachmaninoff, no annoying cartoons! And the squash ravioli looks to die for. Rich yumminess. I could go on, but i don't want to write a book for a comment. Merry.Christmas to you too!
Merry Christmas and oh my I am so darn hungry right now I could reach through the screen and garb those lefse they look delicious even though I have never had them. The molasses cookies will be made here if I can get off this chair in the next few minutes. Yum
Oh the donuts, well I really have to go now to make those cookies thank you so much. Hug B
Oh my! They must be fantastic,I have to try them:)Thanks for these great recipes! MERRY CHRISTMAS to you :)
Nice post!
Merry Christmas to you!
oh now we are so hungrys!
Great post! And of course the crystallised ginger will be of the highest quality!
Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne
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