Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Fiber Tigers

Look what I found in the archives/attic. Fiber Tigers. I've been going through a huge redecorating and organizing of my studios. Yes, my old studio is plural now. And that fact is not lost on my real life cats. They are now able to cause double the chaos and cat-tastropes in there. I did the Fiber Tigers just for fun a l...o...n...g time ago. I think every artist has probably gone through a paper stage. And if you are shaking your head in denial, remember paper Mache in grade school art class? Enough said.

Here my tigers are hiding in the ruins of my old studio. This is one of their favorite games. They know they are not supposed to be in there. So of course it is the most irresistible thing to do in life. Except eat.

And sleep. For more flesh and blood cats visit http://www.gattinamycats.blogspot.com/


Gattina said...

Love your fiber Tigers ! Beautiful ! There is certainly a lot of things to play with if you don't put them away properly, lol !

Barbara said...

Love that blue one, fab! And your real tigers are just as cute :O)

Photo Cache said...

your studio is the perfect spot for investigation by the kitties :)

emma and buster

DJan said...

Love your kitties, both fabric AND fur! You are so fortunate to have multiple studios now, Sharon. And I have no doubt you will use them to the max. :-)

Don Urness said...

I never got out of my paper stage!

Ellen Whyte said...

Love your fiber Tigers! really awesome.

meowmeowmans said...

We love your fiber tigers, Sharon! And we love your real house tigers, too. :)

Jama said...

The fiber tigers are so beautiful!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I love those fiber tiger soooo much!
they are beautiful!
and i would like to play with your kitties,,, i like kitties ,, you know

Pat Tillett said...

Beautiful! You are so darn creative! You also have some cute kitties! Hope you are doing well.

We love LUNA said...

You are a fabulous talented artist, these artworks are outstanding!
purrs and love

SquirrelQueen said...

I think the Fiber Tigers are totally cool. You have a wonderful imagination Sharon.

The places they are not supposed to be are always the most fun to explore. The last photo is too cute!

Wanda..... said...

Love your Fiber Tigers, Sharon, but your cute real life cats look awfully docile and relaxed, to be causing chaos and cat-tastropes in the studios!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

sweet Kittie, adorable photos