Finally. A
http://www.illustrationfriday.com/ theme that lets me post some new art! This illustration is part of my sketchbook project for Art House Co-op.
http://arthousecoop.com/users/sharonrwagner My theme was
Nightmare. And I had a lot of fun with my self portrait series. In this composition of 2, (duet) I changed the classic Snow White scene to include me and a Gorilla. It's called,
"An Apple A Day Keeps The Gorillas Away"
I never had to test that theory!
Hah! What a great illustration and portrait! It made my brain kink for a second. I love that!
Ha! Great twist Sharon!!!
LOL, love this! I hope Disney don't mind though. I hear they are mean about this sort of thing.
Amusing illo. A self-portrait series is an interesting idea. The apple doesn't seem to be keeping that gorilla away, though... Thank you for visiting my etegami blog and leaving a comment.
oh my gosh, your art work is beautiful!
haha nice!
A lovely original illustration! Bit scary if I was her though! ;) xx
A tinge of "Beauty and the Beast" in this illustration ;-)
Wonderfully amusing! :)
This is so nicely done! She looks so disappointed to have her prince replaced with a gorilla.
You are so darn talented! Multi-talented as well!
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