Monday, June 20, 2022

Florida Trails

If you tuned in last week, you'll know this is post 1,001. I hope you also read my happy literary news. Hooray! 

Blogging has changed considerably since I started. There are less giveaways and ubiquitous awards for good blogging behavior. Many bloggers have lost followers to a sinkhole-sized glut of social media outlets, and bloggers, in general, are an aging population. I still remember the duck lady, (that's what I called her) who only blogged about ducks. Sigh. Everybody has a reason to be here, whether it is to inspire with fashion, food, art, travel, books, nature, or birds.  Basically, it's fun to share, feel seen, and be appreciated for being human. Comments are nice too :)

I blog to share travel photos. Today, is Florida swamp and field day. Follow my feet... 

A happy face log!

A night heron.



Sandy said...

Out blog walking and found myself here this am. Agree with you, there are fewer bloggers than there used to be. In fact I've been deleting people on my blog list who don't visit and comment, as well as deleting blogs on my follow list who no longer blog or it's been years since they have. Great photo's, though I wonder how close you were to those creatures. I like to keep a good distance between me and snakes and lizards, and gators and such. The photo of the bee on the flower is fantastic! Swing by for a visit, it's always fun to meet new bloggers. And do I win a prize as the first person to comment? LOL
Traveling Suitcase

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

You are so right, Sharon. Less "talk and photo" type blogs out there anymore and more commercial jazzy "sell you something" type blogs. I sometimes wonder why I'm still blogging after 15 years but I think I'd miss it and the connection I've formed with many other bloggers if I gave it up. I sometimes feel "I know" someone almost everywhere through their blogs. I also feel like it's a good mental challenge to come up with a post every week--more fun than solving"Wordle"! Because of covid fears, we are not traveling as much and I miss it so I live vicariously through others' photos. I do enjoy your travel photos and adventures very much!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You definitely got my attention with Florida Trails. I was on one this morning in the forest and I love what you've shown. The swamp is a beautiful sight and the baby gator is very cute! Love seeing your photos. I hope you'll do more posts about the trails you've been on here in Florida. Diane


Cada uno fotografía los lugares a donde va. Si se visita la naturaleza, lo más natural es que las fotos sean de ahí. Cada cual aporta lo que puede y pone su mejor empeño.
Muy buenas fotografías. Feliz semana.

DJan said...

I always love your photos, and laughed out loud at the smiling log. I just thought I'd better comment so you'd know I'm still here, loving your gorgeous pictures. :-)

Lydia C. Lee said...

You got some great shots there - those trees tho, They're so weird. A bit of mist and it would be so spooky!! the first bird shot is great!

Angie said...

Sharon - an absolutely fabulous set of photos, although I could have done without the snake ... Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

Shiju Sugunan said...

What beautiful sightings! I like the smiling log enjoying being the bird's perch.

kwarkito said...

I love ferns and I am very afraid of crocodiles and as for the swamps I avoid venturing there even by boat. Anyway, this series of photos is very beautiful.

Life Of 2 Snowbirds said...

Your photos are always amazing but when you catch a bird or other wildlife in action and get such a clear photo,it is a treat to see. Thank you for hosting!

mvmaithai said...

Wondering what part of Florida this is? We have cruised the St John's River and have been amazed at the wildlife there.

You're right about blogging. Most have gone away. I continue because I like to write and take pictures and videos, and the blog is a nice platform to do it. But I'm nowhere near that number of posts, even though I've been blogging since 2009.

dee Nambiar said...

I hope to go see Florida's swamps someday. Thank you for the sneak peek.
And thank you for hosting these travel photos. :)

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Amazing diversity of animals and plants in the Florida swamp! Beautiful photos. Wonder what kind of a snake that is?

Klara said...

what an abundance of life. beautiful.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

You have a great eye for critters and birds. Great captures.

You are right about blogging. It seems almost a dying breed. I used to post once a day, did it for years, now once or twice a week but I do at least twice daily on instagram. I love in blogging how you can get to know people. Some I feel quite close to and will likely never see them live.

It is also an aging population. There are so many people I know that have died or couldn't blog any longer and some that just disappeared.

Keep on posting!!

Jim said...

Top shots.