Monday, January 3, 2022

Dominicalito at Sunset

I feel like I can breathe again; I'm back in Costa Rica.

This is where I'm me. 

As soon as we started climbing the mountain to our rental, it was real: scampering monkeys in the jungle canopy, rainbow-colored butterflies and birds filling the air with enchantment and song, an aggressively planted landscape as thick as Grizzly Adam's beard, and air like a warm bath filled with jasmine scented bath salts. 

Next week I’ll post new photos. This was last year...

A forgotten beach toy.

I love this photo.

Stay tuned!



Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Happy New Year, Sharon! Beautiful photos. Costa Rico definitely looks like you happy place and I'm glad you were able to get away for a while.

Handmade in Israel said...

Absolutely stunning! Have a good time.

DJan said...

I love ALL your photos. Looking forward to this year's crop. :-)

Powell River Books said...

It's wonderful you have Costa Rica as a special place to go. For us it is Southern Arizona in our RV. - Margy

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Glad you are back at your happy place. These are stunning photos! A beautiful collection, and looking forward to more.

Jim said...

Beautiful skies.

Light and Voices said...

Happy New Year! Wonderful photos. Glad you are in your happy place.

Mary Kirkland said...

Last years pictures are great so I'm looking forward to seeing the new ones.

Amy Johnson said...

Absolutely stunning photos. TFS.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Happy New Year Sharon -- I'm so glad you're getting to spend time in your special place. Enjoy every minute.