Monday, September 24, 2018

Piney River Ranch

Piney River Ranch is a twisty, twelve mile ascent from Vail, Colorado. (click the link for more Piney details) We were hoping to see a moose. Or two. We didn't. But, we did see beautiful mountain vistas. Due to tendinitis, I'm keeping it short today. I'll type more soon!

Enjoy the scenery...

The Awesome Links:

Welcome to Sharon's new Travel Photo Souvenir blog hop. 

Do you have travel photos to share? Any place will do. To enter the hop, simply share a link to your travel related post. The post can be about a far flung adventure, a romp on the beach or simply a road trip to a beloved spot near you.

  • Provide a link back to my blog in your post. (But I probably won't be checking)
  • Be kind. Go on a virtual trip to a new blog in the hop. 
  • Share the hop with other bloggers. (This doesn't mean you have to share it on social media)
  • Travel. Just go somewhere!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


A Colorful World said...

Beautiful scenes! Glad to join in today...if you already looked at my blog and commented, please note I was having some issues with my comments getting blocked. I think that's fixed. Please comment again.

Murthy K v v s said...

Beautiful pics.

Angie said...

Sharon - this is my kind of place - mountain vistas, walking trails, historic modes of transportation - but I'll give the tendinitis a miss! Hope you feel better soon! Thanks for hosting this blog hop!

Lady Fi said...

What lovely scenes.

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Such a beautiful area to explore!

DJan said...

Beautiful, but it looks very dry to me. :-)

Peabea Scribbles said...

When I walk on my treadmill (note to self: get back to doing that), I have an app that is a trail that looks like your photos. It is suppose to make me go through the paces as it does go uphill. But, would be much more fun to walk where you did in the photos out in the beautiful earth and nature.

Thanks for sharing with Pictorial Tuesday @ Peabea Scribbles

Latane Barton said...

what a beautiful hiking area. Just found this linky through Colorful World. Thanks, Sharon, for having a spot for all of us to share our travel adventures.

Lydia C. Lee said...

Hopefully you see a moose next time - it's lovely anyway. Hope your arm gets better too!

Aditya Narayan Mohanty said...

Wow lovely capture . Please tell something about my capture on my blog.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Just talked to our Colorado family and between that and your post, I’m wishing I could be there for the Autumn color and the bugling elk. Rest those hands and get better soon! Thanx for hosting.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Gorgeous scenery and beautiful big sky. Hoping your tendinitis resolves quickly!

Linda Hensley said...

Pretty! Looks like a place from an old western. I hope your tendonitis gets better soon.