Monday, April 19, 2010

Lots and Lots of Lava!

Can you believe there's a road beneath this lava?

Here it is. And after hiking around 6 miles over this hot and rolling moonscape, they definitely don't need a speed limit sign!

I took many closeup shots of the exotically textured new land. The photo on the right looks like Alligator skin.

Is it too hot for a close up? Only if your camera melts!

My husband and I have had many fun hikes and vacation adventures in our travels. But I think this lava hike still rates at the top. Have you guessed where we are? No, we didn't go to Iceland last week. It's the Big Island of Hawaii. We had to hike around 6 miles round trip to get to the hot stuff. And the endless fields of rocky lava land made for one grueling expedition. A man hiking ahead of us had a big stick protruding from his back pack. And when he got to the flow he stuck it in to see it burn. We wondered what the heck he had that for. One guy was carrying action figure dolls. They turned out to be his version of the traveling garden gnome. He posed them in his lava photos.

But the best part of our adventure was our planned night hike back to the car. Thankgoodness we had our flashlights. That's when you could see the path of the lava spewing from the crater in the distance. WOW! And the best part is we survived!


DJan said...

Yes, my dear, that IS the best part. I wouldn't have gotten to see your pictures, and I see that you put that one as your new banner shot. Very cool to be seeing that while the Icelandic volcano is spewing... I would love to do that night hike, the visuals must have been incredible.

Ellen Whyte said...

Lovely pics. Any hot springs there?

Al said...

That is one awesome adventure Sharon! How I wish we could go and hike together! I haven't tried night hiking, and wish one night I could do it but not in lava land. You're very brave Sharon. It was fun looking at your photos and glad you're back.


Tweedles -- that's me said...

Sharon that is so awsome.
You are a real adventurer and you know how to experience life.
I think I would say about you and your hubby is you live life to the fullest

"Lillagul" said...

Wow ! Must have been an great experiance !!!
Great shots !

Serline said...
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Serline said...

I enjoy both the art and photography on your blog. Come follow my blog, so your link will always be on mine to remind me to come back ;-)

SquirrelQueen said...

That looks like a fun hike, it must be beautiful at night. I have hiked on old lava beds but nothing like that. Great photos Sharon.

Christina Rodriguez said...

That looks like tons of fun! The "No Parking" sign is pretty funny, but I guess some people need the reminder. Oh, the fun I would've had burning stuff in that lava!

Carolyn Ford said...

We have hiked out to the hot stuff several times! It IS amazing!

Martha said...

So cool!
Your image for color carnival is wonderful and as always your artwork is gorgeous! :-)