Monday, December 6, 2021

Flo-cember: Week 5

Holy Cow! What a week of wildlife during my last few days of Flo-cember. Just wait until you scroll down to see what bob's up. 

This is the first year where November leaked into December. This much I know:
1) I'd rather see river otters crisscrossing the trail than old, brittle leaves. 
2) Blue herons are preferable to blue finger tips. 
3) Sand wins over snow.
4) Ospreys on the hunt are better than deer hunters wearing orange, hanging their antlered carcasses like unripe bananas.
5) Packs of gulls and skimmers are better than packed shopping malls. 
6) Terns are better than inflated thermostats. 
7) Royal Palms are better than decapitated pines!

Follow my Florida feet..

Look what we saw up in a tree at Rookery Swamp! A Bobcat. 


The sun has set on Florida: 2021.


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Amy Johnson said...

I couldn't agree more with everything in that poem, especially the hunter part. I can't believe you saw a bobcat! incredible! Beautiful photos as always!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

This is all wonderful. Note to self: Must go to Rookery Swamp! Amazing pic, wish I had been there following your footsteps (and looking up when you did!). Thanks. And again, why don’t you stay awhile? (Unless you are on your way to an even wilder country instead of the cold North?

Gillena Cox said...

Happy Mosaic Monday. I am at #17 on the linky today


~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

A a TREE! Now that's something you don't see every day...or EVER! WOW! I was just writing about all the unusual things you can see when you get out in nature. We haven't seen an otter in awhile...I'll keep a lookout for one! Enjoy your week and this beautiful weather!

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

I loved all your camparisons and agree with them all. Wonderful photos too but you won my heart with the Florida Bobcat in a tree! Love that! Yeah Florida - we're getting to the best part of the year now here in Florida.

Soma @ said...

A bobcat!! That is fantastic. Great colours in your photos, and they are beautiful!


Fun60 said...

Great photos. Can't believe that bobcat.

Lydia C. Lee said...

The first and the last are spectacular. You should put them on canvas.

DJan said...

Cats are the same, no matter their size. They all love to climb into places like that. Love all your wonderful pictures; I always love to follow your feet...

Shiju Sugunan said...

Awesome photos and lovely thoughts! My favorite among these are the bobcat, the silhouette shots and of course the Osprey with his meal.

Lillian "sognafaret" said...

What a fascinating place, thank you for showing me ...

Einari Sinappi said...

The last one is a true beauty- Kudos!

Angie said...

Sharon - I cannot get over that Bobcat! And in a tree! And near the beach ... Thanks for sharing with Mosaic Monday!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Great series of the Osprey with the fish. I especially envy you the Bobcat, however. In an entire lifetime spent with wildlife, I have never seen one!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Wonderful sunset photo. I guess Bob is really good at climbing, but it looks uncomfortable!

Airfly resevation said...
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Air Tickets said...
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Mary Kirkland said...

You definitely got some great pictures.

betty-NZ said...

Fabulous photos and words!