Monday, November 23, 2020

Flovember: Seashells and Sunshine

Day 18

“Our memories of the ocean will linger on, long after our footprints in the sand are gone.” –Anonymous

Day 19

Day 20

Remember, do not keep live shells.

Day 21

Day 22

Day 23

Sammy, (rhymes with tram) the tame squirrel. He's still begging for food at the tram stop on Lover's Key. Two years ago, I was breaking out my bag of nuts to feed myself, and the darn thing crawled onto my lap. 

Day 24

“Isn’t it strange, the way time moves? I could stand here and watch the sea crash beneath me for hours and it would feel like only minutes had passed.” –Sjana Elise Earp

This week, I drank dark and stormies instead of weathering them.(rum and ginger beer) Tropical Storm Eta passed. The week's highlights include: reading The Silent Companions on heavenly beaches and peaceful trails, (a delightfully gothic and spooky book) and writing the first chapter of my third novel novel, The Savannah Book of Spells. I went to the Fort Myers Beach farmer's market for my favorite Black Mangrove honey. Score! One of the venders laughed at my homemade mask, with its long string-ties hanging down my neck. I could cut them off, but maybe I'll start a new fashion trend. I was reunited with Sammy the squirrel. Nuff said. 

Stay tuned for one more week!

Happy Thanksgiving!



eileeninmd said...


Beautiful sky and quote! I love your GB Heron photo. The local honey is good, great find. I love the sea shells, I often wonder if people look to see if they have live critters inside. Great shadow. Take care, enjoy your day! Have a great new week!

Fun60 said...

Love the quote and the sea shell. Enjoy your week.

DJan said...

I laughed at the heron(?) picture. He looks like he's flashing you. Great shots as usual! :-)

Angie said...

Sharon - I am not the first one to comment on the Day 19 photo - was the bird drying off? Working on its tan? Ogling female birds that are outside the frame? And Day 20 - I am not sure I have ever picked up a 'live' shell - that one has quite a foot! Thanks for sharing your journeys with everyone at Mosaic Monday - I always wonder where you will be writing from! And Happy Thanksgiving!

s.c said...

Never seen a shell that looks so good as icecone. Very nice.

DUTA said...

Stunning pictures, and memorable quotes!

Dawn said...

Precious little Sammy the squirrel. Gorgeous seashells and I sure lots of memories.
Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

Meditations in Motion said...

Sammy is a BOLD squirrel! I can't believe he climbed up on your lap. :) And those dark and stories sound delicious. I must try one.

Kym said...

Beautiful scenery! And I love the shot of the Heron!

Villrose said...

Most beautiful photos! Love squirrels, and feed them at home.
Oh, how I am longing for a beautiful beach...

Trekking with Becky said...

Incredible sunset photo! I also love your capture of the squirrel. :D

betty-NZ said...

The beach is always a fine place for photos! The squirrel is just adorable :)

What a fantastic addition to 'My Corner of the World' this week!

Klara S said...

Wonderful seashells...
Thank you for hosting.

theartofpuro said...

Happy Thanksgiving :) As always your photos are stunning :)

Peabea Scribbles said...

The bird looks to be very thoughtful or deep in pondering. Awesome big shells. Fun photos. thanks for sharing

Spare Parts and Pics said...

That Sammy is a real rascal! I love your opening sky shot. I don't think I've ever seen one of those shells with the snail in it! Hope your Thanksgiving was a good one.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Oh wow, we missed our beach trip this year. I love the squirrel.

Mary Kirkland said...

I love that a squirrel climbed in your lap for some nuts. They are so cute.

TwD said...

Wow. Your yellow sky is one of my favorites in this Skywatch !