Monday, November 11, 2019

Sun & Fun

Day 5

Day 6

Do you see the second critter?

Day 7

Pink stuff.

Day 8

Day 9

Day 10

Day 11

Stay tuned for more from my Flovember rental. It sure beats Minnesota: ice slicked roads, melting pumpkins, decaying leaves, naked trees, nippy air and grumpy faces. Minnesota isn't so nice in November. 

Sun and sand is better - way better!

The Awesome Links:


DJan said...

I love your pictures, all of them! But of course I am always happy to be treated to seeing the world through your eyes, Sharon. Lovely indeed! :-)

Amy Johnson said...

Your photography is beautiful! And your so right about Novembers in Minnesota! I live in Wisconsin and it’s exactly the same way.

eileeninmd said...


Lovely photos and I like the title "Sun and Fun". The last photo looks familiar, is it Corkscrew Sanctuary? we've been there a few times, loved it.

Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy new week!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

We get lots of snow in Colorado, but we also get lots of bright blue skies and mild weather in winter, so the best of both worlds here. I'm not much of a fan of heat and humidity so winter does not make me sad.

Sue (this n that) said...

So lovely... what a great spot in the world! Beautiful photos Sharon :D)

Fun60 said...

Your photos would look great in a travel brochure.

Linda Hensley said...

Spectacular shots! I especially love the colors, and especially in that top photo.

Jim said...

Stunning colours.

Photo Cache said...

The photos are so beautiful. I love them.

Worth a Thousand Words

Little Wandering Wren said...

Sun and fun is indeed a happier way to go - here's to a lovely week of more beautiful sunsets and gorgeous birds!
Wren x

Powell River Books said...

Your pictures tell a wonderful story. My favourite is the first. - Margy

Sandra Nachlinger said...

That's an amazing sunset photo. Looks like a beautiful place to be right now.

Angie said...

Sharon - the first photo looks like a painting - such vibrant colors! The grasshopper is also a spectacular photo - such a pose. (And yes, I see the other critter.) But I think my favorite is the last, with its winding boardwalk copied so nicely in the shadow, with the waving grass to the side - an amazing composition. Thanks for sharing your Flovember with everyone at Mosaic Monday!

Shiju Sugunan said...

Stunning photographs! I like your finds.

Lydia C. Lee said...

What a beautiful shot!

betty-NZ said...

Such lovely images! A great combination of sun and fun :)

I'm glad to see you at 'My Corner of the World' this week!

My Corner of the World

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

We have to stay in Oregon in November, otherwise we’d forget what bad weather feels like ))). (And it isn’t really Winter here, not like what you’d have if you had to stay in Minnesota. We are kind of wimpy weather people... ). Your bright and beautiful Florida photos look familiar and have me getting excited for next month!

Joyful said...

Another beautiful collection of photos. I really like the one of your toes in the sand near the seaweed :-) Happy weekend to you.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love seeing your Florida photos! Life is GOOD!!!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Beautiful photos. I love that first one. Gorgeous sky!!

fredamans said...

That first shot literally has me wowed!

isabella kramer - veredit said...

Great discovery finding your blog, love your way to see the world!

warm regards,