Monday, November 25, 2019

Iguanas and Sea Shells

Day 19

Day 20

My shadow tried to grab his bill! 

Day 21

Iguanas at the condo! (I took this with a cell phone out the car window) Good grief. There are parrots in Miami, wild pigs at Crew, and now, Iguanas on Lover's Key. What will I see next week? 

Day 22

Day 23

Day 24

Day 25

Day break!

Another week has slipped under the bridge. Another photo safari has ended and another begun. Thanksgiving at Docs Beach House is on the agenda and I'll probably be eating Key Lime Pie instead of pumpkin. But, I won't pass on the turkey and stuffing. It doesn't really feel like Thanksgiving without icy roads and a dusting of snow. But that's a good thing. I'll be home soon enough. Christmas will be cold. 

Happy Thanksgiving!

P.S. If you missed my Postcrossing post, please pop over to check it out!

The Awesome Links:


DJan said...

As always, thank you for the eye candy! I'm stuffed! :-)

Amy Johnson said...

Wow! That iguana is something else. So is that strange bird in the next picture. One of my favorite things about Florida is all the bird life.

Gillena Cox said...

Lovely photos and mosaic. Luv the shell
Happy Monday


~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love seeing the seashells you find there. The Iguanas? Not so much! They really look scary, don't they? Enjoy the last days of your time there! Have fun!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

My dream is the holidays on the coast. No obligations, no expectations, just time on the beach exploring.

Powell River Books said...

When I was in high school, my dad brought a iguana home from the high school where he worked. I don't remember how it made it's way to the high school. It didn't eat very well and didn't live too long. My guess is it was in poor condition when he decided to bring it home and try to nurse it to health. - Margy

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Very cool sights you've caught. Cheers!

Sandra Nachlinger said...

Gorgeous photos, especially the vivid sunset. Enjoy your Key Lime Pie. That's one of my favorites.

Angie said...

Sharon - love the shadow shot with the pelican! I wouldn't mind a tiny slice of Key Lime Pie in place of pumpkin - shake things up a little bit! Happy Thanksgiving, and thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

Lady Fi said...

Marvellous shots.

Lydia C. Lee said...

The daybreak shot is gorgeous!!

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Your photos are absolutely gorgeous - each one is a jewel! Enjoy your Florida Thanksgiving. After a few years, you don't miss the cold at Thanksgiving and Christmas - it just takes a little time.

Rhodesia said...

Excellent photos, Diane

betty-NZ said...

I love the assorted images and views in your post! The iguana is so cute and I love the sunrise colors a lot.

Your link at 'My Corner of the World' this week is much appreciated!

My Corner of the World

Anne said...

Your photos are Gorgeous!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Somehow iguanas and seashells seem to go together. That's a beautiful sunrise. Hope your Thanksgiving was a good one, and enjoy your weekend!

isabella kramer - veredit said...

Your wonderful impressions awake so much longing!!



Linda Hensley said...

I'd like to try a holiday without snow and cold. The first photo is my favorite :)

Liz Needle said...

Fascinating post. Just love that Dawn shot. Stunning.

Mary Kirkland said...

I've always liked iguanas. I used to live in California and I miss the beach and the sea shells.