Monday, July 15, 2019

Cell Phone Costa Rica

Dominical sunset.

I take more photos with my cell phone than I used to. Here's why...

1)  These days, the main reason I grab my phone when I leave the house, is to track my steps. My goal is 10,000 steps a day. DJan is snickering (she's too nice to guffaw) since she probably gets 20,000 a day - uphill. I don't always make it, but some days I surpass it - 13,841 steps last Saturday! The good news: cell phones can underestimate steps by around 20 percent. So, a camera-in-hand means more photos.

2) For God's sake, I need to carry my phone so I don't miss an email from Athleta or Barnes and Noble. Sigh. Phone = photos.

3) Blog Stats. Yes, you heard me right. Actually, you probably aren't hearing this at all, because you're not visiting. Or worse, visiting, but not reading. That's why I keep my posts short. I don't like admitting that my stats are down, but on the other hand, it isn't a good use of my time to try to fix the problem. But what I can do, is spend less time blogging. I take more photos with my phone and skip the fancy editing. Now, I simply upload posts right from my phone. Or photo edit on the fly with my laptop while traveling. The days of photoshop are dwindling. 

Today, I uploaded this group of rejects and stragglers, right from my camera roll: Cell phone Costa Rica...  

Apparently, this Great Curassow is a farmer's market pet. Somewhere, around Dominical.

A fried avocado and shrimp salad at PorQueno? in Dominical.

A coati at the front door in Playa Flamingo. (at the Happier House)

Cows on the lam in the hills over the Osa Peninsula. If you're ever driving in Central America, (we've done it twelve years running) and a vehicle flashes its lights as they pass, a hazard is in the road ahead. That happened to us here. Morris code for: Cows in the Road!

The view at PorQueno?

The only flamingos you'll find in Playa Flamingo. (because it's named for the pink sand)

Dominical sunset.

Inflatables in Jaco.

Sangria at Iguana Lodge. Yum!

I love this photo. Dogs in Puerto Jimenez. 

Playa Flamingo pool. Sigh.

Stay tuned for my last two Costa Rica posts from our 2019 trip...


Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I’ve had fun catching up on your Costa Rica travels ... and this post is fun. I still prefer my pocket camera to cell phone in the city or everyday walks.

DJan said...

These are rejects? Good grief, Sharon, that's criminal. And I'm down on step counts right now because of being injured. Rub in in... :-)

DUTA said...

I too love the photo with the dogs. In fact, I have a 'soft spot' for dogs looking out of their owner's car or truck. If possible, I'll always take a picture of them.

Photo Cache said...

Great shots.

I have been relying so much on my cell phone lately, especially since cell phone camera technology is so much better now, and I'm beginning to tire of lugging around heavy camera.

Worth a Thousand Words

Angie said...

Sharon - I take all my photos with my cell phone. I am sure that I could get some higher quality shots with a high-falutin' camera, but it would not be practical for most of what I do - hiking, kayaking, skiing - you get the point. And gosh, just look at those sunset photos - stunning! Just keep doing what you're doing! And thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

Chelsea said...

Love these Costa Rica photos! Hope to get back there someday! I agree taking photos with my phone just seems so much easier!

Kitties Blue said...

Hope this comment ups your stats. You take gorgeous photos with your phone. Mine are always “jiggly.” I WANT that salad. It looks super yummy.

Su-sieee! Mac said...

It can be lonely writing not knowing if you actually have an audience. Be assured you do, regardless of what stats say.

Powell River Books said...

I just came back from a boating trip. I took two pictures with my camera, all the rest were with my phone. It actually takes better pictures and they are so easy to use for Instagram and such. - Margy

betty-NZ said...

Phones have such great cameras these days, so there's no reason NOT to use them all the time!

I enjoyed your post at 'My Corner of the World' so much this week!

My Corner of the World

Marja said...

Gorgeous pictures Love the sunset and then that delicious salad and sangria
Cellphones take good pictures and you can just out it in your back pocket
I haven't taken any this week It is winter here but will join in next week (when it doesn't rain)

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Well, you're not alone. I think far more photos are taken on an iPhone than any other "camera". Plus, they take really good photos! Beautiful Dominical sunset.

Linda Hensley said...

You can make yourself nuts looking at stats. I can't find any rhyme or reason to mine. Great photos of what looks to be a great trip. That salad makes my mouth water :)

Shiju Sugunan said...

Nice captures!