Monday, August 22, 2022

Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica

Puerto Jimenez

The untamed shores of the Golfo Dulce, what more can I say?  Sigh. You can buy sunglasses for as little as two bucks (my husband always loses a pair in the rough surf), roam shoeless, abandon all matter of outerwear, pan for gold, park wherever you damn well please, and lose yourself, seemingly forever, in the wilds of primitive jungle and beach.  

 Is there something new to explore?  Not really.  But who needs new when you have rusty, shabby, old, neglected, and downright wonderful things to see?

 Old things have always fascinated me, and these weathered boats have seen better days.  At low tide, they're landlocked and ripe for a photo safari. Follow my feet down memory lane…

The waters of the Osa Peninsula lap against the southern Pacific coast of Costa Rica. 

What lies beneath...

Now, where?

 Blue and orange is a personal favorite color pairing. This scene is beautiful set against the warm cerulean sea and blue-gray mountains in the distance. I can still feel the warm, mushy sand beneath my feet.  Paradise.  


betty-NZ said...

These are some great shots! I always appreciate the ocean any time I get to see it!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

It would be sooo fun to go there!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

awesome!! those sights are so crisp and blue. i want to be there. we need some sun around here it so gloomy & dark. looks like rain. no snow, but i would prefer it if i had to get falling stuff. ha. ha!! Merry Christmas! i will go see your tune now. have a great week! ( :

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

All the blues in your pics are so pretty.

Angela said...

Love the texture you captured on the boat!

NCSue said...

These are some great shots - thanks for sharing at! And have a wonderful 2016!

Cath said...

those photo's of the boats just exude a feeling of relaxation and a slower pace of them! I especially love the shot taken under the pier...something about that makes me want to step into the photo and run down the tunnel formed.

Pierced Wonderings said...

Gah I love those boats too! I wouldn't be able to resist them. I'd be as close to them as I could possibly get and I'd be taking photos of those piers as well - the lines are just gorgeous.

Thank you for sharing with us at Photo Friday! Happy New Year!

Polly and Pip said...

Fantastic photographs and stunning scenery. The boats remind me of a little island in England called Mersea Island where my grandparents once lived. There's a harbour with lots of colourful little boats like these blue ones. Nice to discover your blog through Wordless Wednesday. Polly :)
Our Seaside Baby

Hilary said...

Lovely spot. And all fine images but I just love that first one the best.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Love these boats ... My lens would go there automatically as well! Beautiful vacation spot!

Villrose said...

Nice motifs!
Happy New Year!

Unknown said...

As run down as it is, these pics are beautiful!

Stephanie said...

Love the boat shots especially that first one!

Pat Tillett said...

Really nice photos Sharon!
Thanks for the great posts on these beautiful areas...