Monday, August 6, 2012

My new website!

I would normally tell you to click to enlarge.  But today is a very exciting day!  Today I'm unveiling the new blog website I designed.  And some of my favorite illustrations from my first book with Author Ivan Jensen.  Mary Rode To Bethlehem On Me.  I've put a link on both blogs for purchasing the book online. The sweet poem like Christmas story is told through the animal's perspective.  Especially the famous donkey that Mary rode on.  EeeAww!  

I had a lot of fun designing this new site. I added some new art in the sidebar .  And I have some fun news under things of note.  An area I've set aside for current events.  So without further ado.  Here's the link!


Ellen Whyte said...

We're off to have a look. Do we now move to the new link for new posts?

Mary said...

Great talented. The book looks cute.

Marilia said...

Wow! Success!

TexWisGirl said...

i'll go check it out! love the header photo you have here!

Elizabeth Rose Stanton said...

Congrats!! It looks great!!

Nancy said...

Love it -- it really shows off your talents. xo

Tweedles -- that's me said...

You are sooooo very talented!
We hope you know that!

Anonymous said...

After months of virus in my body last year, I "forgot" visiting lots of my favourits after :(
Now I'm feeling well again, and luckely can see, that you still are working so well. Your are so good and deserved all the good thing, that happens for you :-D

Don Urness said...

I see you mananaged to sneak a moon into one. Keep up the good work.

Pat Tillett said...

I went
I looked
I'm back...

You are VERY talented Sharon!

Anonymous said...

Website and book looks great!!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

WAIT! Aren't I here already? It looks GORGEOUS!!! Absolutely love it!

Joreina Blanco said...

Your website is soooooo cooooooooool, you know. Keep it up! :))

Linda Hensley said...

Looks great! Plus your links all work fine too. Great job!

The Musings Of A Crazy Cat Lady said...

We like your new website. You're very talented! Happy World Cat Day.

Cat Lady Daily said...

Love your artwork; thanks for hopping! =^..^=