Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Paw Prints

Yes, these are Jaguar paw prints. (minus the actual Jaguar thankgoodness!) We were hiking at Mayflower state park in Belize earlier this month when we spotted these prints. We actually saw quite a few paw prints during the hike. I guess it only makes sense that the Jaguar would choose to walk on a trail just like humans do. And get a load of the huge claw marks.

I couldn't resist adding my own paw print.

illo paw.

These paw prints were photographed at the Crew hiking trails near Fort Myers Florida. They are from a panther. Again, no big cats were spotted during the actual hike. But it is sort of creepy knowing that they could be watching us from a nearby tree or behind some bush. Got Claws?

I know, I've posted this paw before. But have you ever seen a cuter paw? I call them calico paws. And there's nothing to be scared of here. Except an exceptionally rough tongue!


Barbara said...

Wow, I would not like to meet the owner of those prints, I would however like to meet the owner of the calico paw :O)

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Barbara stated it purrfectly! I feel exactly the same as she does!

Pat Tillett said...

Wow! Finding those paw prints on the same trail you were walking on, must have given you the chills!

But not that little tortise shell kitty! That paw is so darn cute!

Ingrid said...

Wow the first picture is a real big paw print ! I am more used to cute little paws like the last one. Velvet paws of room tigers !


DUTA said...

Jaguar and panther paw prints - that's kind of scarry. The pictures of these prints are, however, very interesting. Thanks for sharing.

catsynth said...

The paw prints are interesting, but I would probably not want to run into the jaguar that made them.

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

I probably would have turned around and went back home after seeing that paw print.
The calico paw is so sweet. I love a cats paws. Their little foot pads are so soft.

Ellen Whyte said...

Jaguar? Excellent! Love that print. And the calico paw too...

Au is still eating so we're over the moon. Thanks for your purrs.

Wanda..... said...

The Calico paw is PURRFECT!

All the other prints are a little daunting with their long claw prints, hope to never see any of a similar nature in my woods...my walks would be limited!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

The tracks are incredible. I get a scary feeling from them.. but I hear purrrs when I look at the calico print.. and the human print- it feels friendly to me

Al said...

Cool paw prints Sharon! Are you sure they're jaguar paws?

DJan said...

Those jaguar paw prints look HUGE! Shivery scary! But that last one, nothing scary about that. This was the "paws that refreshes" for me today! :-)

Anonymous said...

If it's OK with you, I prefere the cat paw - and Snowwhite, not the gorilla, under my bed ;-)

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Wow what big paw trails you have seen !
But me too prefere the calico paw :)

Serline said...

Wow, that's the first time I see a crossing sign for a predator. Guess it's more for the protection of the animal, so people wouldn't accidentally run into one with their vehicles...

Anonymous said...

I love this post! I am currently illustrating a butterfly book and I think it's fascinating how butterflies are not the same on both wings or on their belly. Fun illustration and fun post~!