Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Free Cats!

I have two choices for you today. I'm celebrating my two year blogaversary with a giveaway. Would you prefer a 9 x 12 fine art print of my award winning painting, Cat On A Blue Stairway? Or this once in a life time offer of two adorable and naughty as all get out domestic short hair siblings on a white stairway?

I'M KIDDING!!!!! I would never give away my furry stair climbers. But I really am giving away a fine art print. Blogging has been a lot of fun over the last two years thanks to my generous followers who leave comments. So at the end of January I'll pick a winner from my comment pool. And I'll pick a winner for a package of photocards as well. So please pass on this link to anyone who might enjoy my art and photography blog. And leave a comment. Thanks blogging friends!

P.S. Thanks to everyone who has commented so far. I'll be back to pick a winner on the 24th. So keep them coming!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Khyra is SOOOOO bummed!

She was REALLY hoping for the 'khats'

Congrats on your pawesome accomplishment!

DJan said...

Well of COURSE I would love your giveaway, because I still have my beautiful shell drawing and know that you are so incredibly talented. Consider me entered! :-)

Nina Crittenden said...

Happy Blogiversary, Sharon!!!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

YAY! Looks like I am following you just in time! :)

Your work is wonderful!
Thanks for stopping by my blog today, I am now your NEWEST FOLLOWER and hope you will do the same!


Cat Chat http://opcatchat.blogspot.com

Ingrid said...

The stairs look like wonderful scratching posts to the cats !
and I love the blue staircase painting !

Unknown said...

Sharon what a wonderful way to celebrate your bloggaversary. I hope I get picked!

Heather said...

Those are beautiful prints! (And beautiful kitties, too :D )

Carla said...

Add me in! Love your colors, and you captured those cats perfectly! (if you were to give away your REAL kitties, who would inspire your art?)

barb bjornson said...

Congratulations Sharon on 2 very interesting years with your blog.
Your kitties are so cute and funny. That painting is gorgeous, the composition is amazing. Who ever wins is one lucky person.
Looking forward to year 3.

The Retired One said...

How fun and generous of you!! Very cool idea! pick me,pick me. LOL

Don Urness said...

Love the cats. Our three might not be happy though and I have said no more cats. We seem to be an orphanage for wayward kittys.

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

What fun you are having on the stairs! May we come and play?

Happy anniversary on your blogging.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

We have 5 kats,,,, and mom said that is enough.
We love your painting of the kitties,, but since we won a wonderful painting last year, please remove our name from the drawing to give someone else a chance.
Happy Blog Versary my friend.

Ellen Whyte said...

Hey wow that's fun! Listen, if you pick out our name, send it to my relatives in the US, OK? International shipping fees suck.

Mr Puddy said...

I would love the first painting, Thanks.
Oh O ! ..Sorry I thought you already picked me...My apologize...hee..hee..hee in my dream : )

PS : Thank you to visit my blog

SquirrelQueen said...

Happy Blogaversery Sharon!
I adore the cat on the blue stairway and his little friend watching from above.

Your stair climbers are adorable but I'm a bit relieved they are not part of the giveaway. The six little ferals are keeping me busy these days much to my housecat's displeasure.

Serline said...

Happy blogaversary! Come to think of it, my own 2nd blogaversary is one month away. How shall I celebrate?

The Chair Speaks said...

Happy Blogaversary!
Lovely painting!
The kitties are adorable!

Anonymous said...

That big tiger cat looks like a bad kitty!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Sharon. Two years and two cats, well you end up with a catfarm if you continue blogging ;-)

Margaret Pangert said...

Your blog is always a pleasure, Sharon! Please consider me in for the contest! However, I would also consider buying something (I think go to your website?) because what cat lover wouldn't want one of your darlings?! Love, Margaret

Christina Rodriguez said...

Oooh, pick me! Pick me!

the teacher's pets said...

I just found out about your prints while visiting "Cat Chat With Caren And Cody" and I loved your print so much that I couldn't resist clicking on the link that she left for us! I love your art work and your cats (too bad you aren't giving them away..haha!)!
I am your newest follower now and I would like to invite you to join in on our THANKFUL FUR 3 FRIENDS BLOG HOP because if you become one of our 3 newest friends today you can be featured as our newest friend next Thursday! So come on by sometime!