Monday, November 1, 2010

The power of the paw!

Little paws are always grabbing for things they shouldn't. It might simply be the strings on my pants (while I'm wearing them) or a mysterious and irresistible item in a packed suitcase. Some days it's a magical twist tie forgotten on the kitchen counter. Or a cherished and forgotten piece of candy stashed in my purse. All I'll find upon return to the crime/purse scene is a few crumbs and a crumpled wrapper.

I was inspired to paint Desertus Interuptus because of these naughty paws. Sometimes I would actually have to lock the little monster up in the bathroom until I was finished with my desert. Because we all know how determined those little paws can be. Other times I would just lean away as the quick swipes and jabs tried to snatch a paw full. She's actually knocked popcorn right out of my mouth. But that's a whole other illustration! For more paws visit


DJan said...

I just LOVE Desertus Interuptus! So true, so focused!

Taffy said...

Great painting! And, you know how my mom is about paws. You shoulda heard her squeal when she saw those photos! I don't swipe with my paw but I've stolen a few edible items myself!

We love Luna said...

hehehe you have such adorable pink paws!I love the first picture!
This post is very cute!purrs and Happy Tuesday

Unknown said...

Wow, that painting is awesome! Great inspiration. :)

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

I love paws!! These are such adorable little paws, they look very soft. Yes those paws can do any number of things that we humans have to adjust to.
Years ago, I was eating dinner and and one of my cats snuck up behind me and snatched up my pork chop with his clever little paw.

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

Woops!! I forgot to say I love the painting.

Ingrid said...

That I call paw power, lol !

Pat Tillett said...

Thanks so much for commenting and signing up at my blog. I came over to check you out. I love your photos and art! You are very talented. You also get bonus points for being a "cat person."
If you don't mind, I'm going to tag along. Thanks again!

Ginger said...

The power of the paw indeed! I love paw pictures.

Sweepy said...

Woof Sharon! That was some pawsome portrait! I should paint my paws too!

The wolf in the previous post is my Popsy Sumo visiting for Treat&Treat!

Lui said...

Hmmm, I see Sweepy got here first. I love your paws because I love animal paws! When I was 5yo I wandered over to the lion's cage in the zoo just to pat the king's paw! Of course everybody had cardiac arrest! Haha!

Dianne said...

I love the painting!! it's beautiful and funny and the colors are wonderful

I have had food taken off the fork just as it was about to reach my mouth - it is Isadora's special trick

Ellen Whyte said...

Cunning paws work for everything except for getting the toy out from under the cupboard!

The Chair Speaks said...

Naughty but lovely paws!
Love that greedy look in the lovely painting!

Barbara said...

Wonderful photos and illustrations. Have you ever had sleepus interruptus as well??? ;0)

Anonymous said...

*LOL* Sharon, your little friend sounds like my dog, Frederik ;-)
Have a great weekend!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I love your painting,,so much!
And those are the sweetest pink paws ever!

charmine said...

Your kitty needs a wee bit more training.We had cats at home till a fews years ago,but none showed us the power of their paw like this.But,some good has come of all this,you were inspired to paint this scene and did it so well.Great!