Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Ruins of Ujarras...and dog.

Since I always relate my art and photos, you'll just have to take my word that this dog was at the ruin site. The church (or ruins) is the oldest church in Costa Rica. The first time we tried to find it we drove right by. All we saw was a community pool that was packed with people. And a pretty park that was crowded with revelers. The second time we were determined to find the place. Luckily the park was deserted and low and behold the ruins were behind it. You usually don't expect to find relecs near a public pool! And of course I had to snap a picture of the local pooch. For a couple more ruins photos see below.


Al said...

True enough, ruins are everywhere, we just don't notice it sometimes. During one of our trips in the countryside we followed a trail behind an old church and it lead us to a secluded and abandoned's creepy. The arched entrance of the cemetery was covered with bushes and hanging plants which makes it looks so quaint.


Lauralee Beth said...

Wow, cool church in Costa Rica, strange doggy, that had to be great to see.

Historical sites with charmine said...

This must be very old...17th century?? and that doggie looks like the Indian street dog.Thanks for sharing this.I gave your blog an award.

DJan said...

How old is that church? I know in tropical countries things age quickly. Last century? More than that? How old is old? Sometimes I feel as old as this church!

Margaret Pangert said...

Beautiful. Isn't it odd that they put up an illustration of the facade right next to it? and whhat was that part originally? Interesting! The doggie looks like a mamma dog!